Mukesh Ambani captured the market with the Welcome Offer of Reliance Jio with free unlimited video calls, voice calls and 4G data. Since the time this offer has been introduced, other telecom giants like Idea, Airtel, Vodafone and BSNL are trying hard to compete with it. Amidst this, BSNL has come up with a very attractive offer; want to know what it is? Well, it has come up with a new offer worth Rs 99, and it is surely going to blow your mind away. On Friday, BSNL has introduced a super-duper offer; in this, it is offering unlimited calling and free data usage(Limited) for just Rs 99, can you believe that? The validity of this offer is 28 days and under this, unlimited STD and local BSNL to BSNL calls can be made. In this offer, a person gets 300 MB of data too. This offer is restricted only to prepaid customers, said the company. The rate would be applicable in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, MP, Gujarat, Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal and Kolkata T...